sys::Obj sys::Virtual sys::Component control::Hysteresis
public class Hysteresis
Applies hysteresis to an input value to set a boolean out.
NOTE: If "Rising Edge" > "Falling Edge", then out behaves "normally", ie
out switches to "true" when in rises above "Rising Edge", and switches back to "false" when in falls below "Falling Edge" Falling Rising Edge Edge |----------|------- | | --------|----------|
NOTE: If "Rising Edge" < "Falling Edge", then out behaves "inverted", ie
out switches to "false" when in rises above "Falling Edge", and switches back to "true" when in falls below "Rising Edge" Rising Falling Edge Edge --------|----------| | | |----------|-------
NOTE: If "Rising Edge" == "Falling Edge", this object become a simple
comparator, where if in > Rising Edge, then out = true
public property float fallingEdge [config, defaultOnClone]
threshold for falling edge
public property float in
input value to which hysteresis is to be applied
public property bool out [readonly]
boolean output
public property float risingEdge [config, defaultOnClone]
threshold for rising edge
public virtual override void execute()
Execute is called once every scan.