sys::Obj sys::Virtual sys::Component control::Ramp
public class Ramp
Triangle or sawtooth wave between min & max. New value calculated every execute cycle (does not rely on execution rate).
public static const define bool SAWTOOTH
public static const define bool TRIANGLE
public property float max [config]
Maximum value
public property float min [config]
Minimum value
public property float out [readonly]
Ramp output
public property float period [min=0, config, unit="second", precision=0]
Ramp period If rampType is true (triangle) then this is the time it takes to complete up/down cycle. If rampType is false (sawtooth) then this is the time it takes to complete up cycle. A value of 0 forces output to min value.
public long periodInNanos
public property bool rampType [config, falseText="sawtooth", trueText="triangle"]
Specifies whether ramp is sawtooth (min to max and repeat), or triangle (min to max/max to min and repeat) Defaults to triangle.
public float range
public virtual override void changed(Slot slot)
recompute internal constants if ramp parameters change
public virtual override void execute()
Execute is called once every scan.
public virtual override void start()
compute internal constants at startup