sys::Obj sys::Virtual sys::Component control::ReheatSeq
public class ReheatSeq
ReheatSeq will provide a linear sequence of up to 4 loads based on configurable thresholds
Sets an output true if the "in" value is greater than corresponding threshold, and returns the ouput to false if the "in" value is less than threshold minus the hysteresis value.
"dOn" is the count of outputs that are true (0 to 4)
If "enable" is false, all outputs are set to false regardless of in value.
public property byte dOn [readonly]
number of outputs currently turned on
public property bool enable [config]
all outputs are false if enable == false
public property float hysteresis [config]
hysteresis value - in < threshold - hysteresis is required to turn an output off
public property float in
cv input
public property bool out1 [readonly]
output 1
public property bool out2 [readonly]
output 2
public property bool out3 [readonly]
output 3
public property bool out4 [readonly]
output 4
public property float threshold1 [config]
threshold to turn out1 on
public property float threshold2 [config]
threshold to turn out2 on
public property float threshold3 [config]
threshold to turn out3 on
public property float threshold4 [config]
threshold to turn out4 on
public virtual override void execute()
Execute is called once every scan.