


The root directory of your Sedona Framework installation or development environment is referred to as Sedona home. Relative paths in this documentation always start from the Sedona home directory. Sedona home is organized into the following sub directories:


Sedona Framework development primarily centers around the tool sedonac. It functions as a compiler for Sedona applications as well as Sedona kits (library modules); its behavior depends on the input file it is processing.


For Windows you will be using the sedonac.exe launcher executable, located in the bin directory. If you are developing at the command line, make sure that bin is in your path.

The compiler requires a Java Runtime of 1.4 or greater. sedonac will look in the registry to find the path to your current Java VM. For more details about how sedonac starts up, use the --v command line switch (that's two dashes before the 'v'), which will trace the registry access and jvm.dll load.

To verify sedonac is correctly installed, run with the "-ver" switch:

D:\sedona>sedonac -ver
Sedona Compiler 1.2.28
Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Tridium, Inc.
sedona.version = 1.2.28
sedona.home    = D:\sedona
java.home      = C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7
java.version   = 1.7.0_13


There is a bash shell script in adm/unix called that initializes your Sedona Framework development environment. In order to use this script, you must first

  1. export JAVA_HOME in your login script.
  2. create a symbolic link in your home directory called "sedonadev" that points to your actual Sedona home directory. For example,
    ~/sedonadev -> ~/repos/sedona-1.0/pub
    If you don't want to use this symbolic link, edit to explicitly set the sedona_home environment variable.

After doing the above configuration, change your login script to run This script will make sure some key programs are in your path, check that all the python scripts have executable permissions, and create some useful aliases.

There are two Unix specific commands that you should use for building in a Unix environment

Java Command Line

If you need to invoke Sedonac directly you can launch it directly with Java:

For example:

java -cp {lib}sedona.jar:{lib}sedonac.jar -Dsedona.home={home} sedonac.Main src/sox


You can rebuild from source using the python scripts in the adm directory (or adm/unix). These scripts are used to rebuild the compiler itself and the SVM. In order to use the python scripts, you will need to install Python (version 2.7 or better). Also the following environment variables must be defined:

To verify your environment you can run the adm/ script, which will print all the files and directories being used with your current setup.

Common Commands

The following commands are commonly used when building and running the Sedona Framework:

Note that any command that builds the SVM will need to have the appropriate target toolchain set up first.