sys::Obj sys::Virtual sys::InStream
public abstract class InStream
InStream is used to input text or binary data.
public virtual void close()
Close the stream. Default implementation does nothing.
public abstract int read()
Read an unsigned single byte. Return -1 if end of stream is reached.
public bool readBool()
Read a boolean value of zero or non-zero.
public abstract int readBytes(byte[] b, int off, int len)
Read a block of bytes. Return number of bytes read into b, or -1 if end of stream.
public int readChar()
Read a single character (right now we only read ASCII).
public float readF4()
Read a four byte (32-bit) floating point value in network byte order
public double readF8()
Read a eight byte (64-bit) floating point value in network byte order
public int readS4()
Read an signed four byte (32-bit) integer in network byte order. Return -1 if end of stream.
public long readS8()
Read an signed eight byte (64-bit) integer in network byte order. Return -1 if end of stream.
public bool readStr(Str s, int max)
Read a null terminated string into a buffer. Return true on success, false on error or end of stream.
public int readU2()
Read an unsigned two byte integer in network byte order. Return -1 if end of stream.
public void skip(int n)
Skip n number of bytes.