sys::Obj sys::Log
public const class Log
Log is used to embed error, warning, message, and trace logging into Sedona software.
public static const define int ERROR
Logging is enabled only for errors
public static const define int MESSAGE
Logging is enabled for errors, warning, and messages
public static const define int NONE
Logging is disabled
public static const define int TRACE
Logging is enabled for all levels
public static const define int WARNING
Logging is enabled for errors and warning
public const short id
Index of this log in the Sys.logs array.
public const Str qname
Unique qualified name of this log in the VM.
public OutStream error(Str msg)
Log an error record.
public bool isError()
Is current level error or greater.
public bool isMessage()
Is current level message or greater.
public bool isTrace()
Is current level trace or greater.
public bool isWarning()
Is current level warning or greater.
public int level()
Get the currently configured severity level enabled for this Log. The level is NONE, ERROR, WARNING, MESSAGE, and TRACE.
public OutStream message(Str msg)
Log a message record.
public void setLevel(int newLevel)
Set the severity level for this Log. Possible levels are NONE, ERROR, WARNING, MESSAGE, and TRACE. (no error checking on arg)
public OutStream trace(Str msg)
Log a trace record.
public OutStream warning(Str msg)
Log a warning record.