sys::Obj sys::Units
public class Units
Standard database of unit names to be used with the unit facet. These names are standardized by the oBIX OASIS specification.
public static const define Str acre
public static const define Str ampere
public static const define Str ampere_square_meter
public static const define Str amperes_per_meter
public static const define Str amperes_per_square_meter
public static const define Str atmosphere
public static const define Str bar
public static const define Str btu
public static const define Str btu_per_pound
public static const define Str btus_per_hour
public static const define Str btus_per_pound
public static const define Str btus_per_pound_dry_air
public static const define Str calorie
public static const define Str calorie_per_gram
public static const define Str candela
public static const define Str candelas_per_square_meter
public static const define Str celsius
public static const define Str celsius_degrees
public static const define Str centimeter
public static const define Str centimeters_of_mercury
public static const define Str centimeters_of_water
public static const define Str coulomb
public static const define Str cubic_centimeter
public static const define Str cubic_feet_per_minute
public static const define Str cubic_feet_per_second
public static const define Str cubic_foot
public static const define Str cubic_inch
public static const define Str cubic_meter
public static const define Str cubic_meters_per_hour
public static const define Str cubic_meters_per_minute
public static const define Str cubic_meters_per_second
public static const define Str cubic_millimeter
public static const define Str cubic_yard
public static const define Str cycles_per_hour
public static const define Str cycles_per_minute
public static const define Str day
public static const define Str db_microVolt
public static const define Str db_milliVolt
public static const define Str decibel
public static const define Str degree_days_celsius
public static const define Str degree_days_fahrenheit
public static const define Str degrees_angular
public static const define Str degrees_celsius_per_hour
public static const define Str degrees_celsius_per_minute
public static const define Str degrees_fahrenheit_per_hour
public static const define Str degrees_fahrenheit_per_minute
public static const define Str degrees_kelvin_per_hour
public static const define Str degrees_kelvin_per_minute
public static const define Str degrees_kelvin_per_second
public static const define Str degrees_phase
public static const define Str delta_btus_per_pound
public static const define Str delta_kilojoules_per_kilogram
public static const define Str dollar
public static const define Str euro
public static const define Str fahrenheit
public static const define Str fahrenheit_degrees
public static const define Str farad
public static const define Str feet_per_minute
public static const define Str feet_per_second
public static const define Str fluid_ounce
public static const define Str foot
public static const define Str foot_pounds_per_second
public static const define Str footcandle
public static const define Str footcandles
public static const define Str formazin_nephelometric_unit
public static const define Str franc
public static const define Str gallon
public static const define Str gallons_per_minute
public static const define Str gigajoule
public static const define Str gigawatt
public static const define Str gram
public static const define Str grams_of_water_per_kilogram_dry_air
public static const define Str grams_per_kilogram
public static const define Str grams_per_minute
public static const define Str grams_per_second
public static const define Str grams_per_square_meter
public static const define Str hectopascal
public static const define Str henry
public static const define Str hertz
public static const define Str horsepower
public static const define Str horsepower_hour
public static const define Str hour
public static const define Str hundredths_second
public static const define Str imperial_gallon
public static const define Str imperial_gallons_per_minute
public static const define Str inch
public static const define Str inches_of_mercury
public static const define Str inches_of_water
public static const define Str joule
public static const define Str joule_second
public static const define Str joules_per_degree_kelvin
public static const define Str joules_per_gram
public static const define Str joules_per_kilogram
public static const define Str joules_per_kilogram_degree_kelvin
public static const define Str joules_per_kilogram_dry_air
public static const define Str joules_per_kilogram_se
public static const define Str joules_per_square_meter
public static const define Str julian_month
public static const define Str kelvin
public static const define Str kelvin_degrees
public static const define Str kilobtu
public static const define Str kilobtus_per_hour
public static const define Str kilogram
public static const define Str kilograms_per_cubic_meter
public static const define Str kilograms_per_hour
public static const define Str kilograms_per_minute
public static const define Str kilograms_per_second
public static const define Str kilograms_per_square_meter
public static const define Str kilohertz
public static const define Str kilohm
public static const define Str kilojoule
public static const define Str kilojoule_per_kilogram
public static const define Str kilojoules_per_degree_kelvin
public static const define Str kilojoules_per_kilogram
public static const define Str kilojoules_per_kilogram_dry_air
public static const define Str kiloliter
public static const define Str kilometer
public static const define Str kilometers_per_hour
public static const define Str kilometers_per_second
public static const define Str kilopascal
public static const define Str kilovolt
public static const define Str kilovolt_ampere
public static const define Str kilovolt_ampere_hour
public static const define Str kilovolt_ampere_reactive
public static const define Str kilovolt_ampere_reactive_hour
public static const define Str kilowatt
public static const define Str kilowatt_hour
public static const define Str kilowatt_hours_per_square_foot
public static const define Str kilowatt_hours_per_square_meter
public static const define Str lira
public static const define Str liter
public static const define Str liters_per_hour
public static const define Str liters_per_minute
public static const define Str liters_per_second
public static const define Str lumen
public static const define Str lux
public static const define Str megabtu
public static const define Str megahertz
public static const define Str megajoule
public static const define Str megajoules_per_degree_kelvin
public static const define Str megajoules_per_kilogram_dry_air
public static const define Str megajoules_per_square_foot
public static const define Str megajoules_per_square_meter
public static const define Str megavolt
public static const define Str megavolt_ampere
public static const define Str megavolt_ampere_hour
public static const define Str megavolt_ampere_reactive
public static const define Str megavolt_ampere_reactive_hour
public static const define Str megawatt
public static const define Str megawatt_hour
public static const define Str megohm
public static const define Str meter
public static const define Str meters_per_hour
public static const define Str meters_per_minute
public static const define Str meters_per_second
public static const define Str meters_per_second_squared
public static const define Str metric_ton
public static const define Str metric_tons_per_hour
public static const define Str micrometer
public static const define Str microsecond
public static const define Str mile
public static const define Str miles_per_hour
public static const define Str milliampere
public static const define Str millibar
public static const define Str milligram
public static const define Str milliliter
public static const define Str milliliters_per_minute
public static const define Str milliliters_per_second
public static const define Str millimeter
public static const define Str millimeters_of_mercury
public static const define Str millimeters_per_minute
public static const define Str millimeters_per_second
public static const define Str milliohm
public static const define Str millisecond
public static const define Str millivolt
public static const define Str milliwatt
public static const define Str minute
public static const define Str nanosecond
public static const define Str nephelometric_turbidity_units
public static const define Str newton
public static const define Str newton_meter
public static const define Str newton_second
public static const define Str newtons_per_meter
public static const define Str newtons_per_meter_st
public static const define Str ohm
public static const define Str ohm_meter
public static const define Str ounce
public static const define Str pH
public static const define Str parts_per_billion
public static const define Str parts_per_million
public static const define Str parts_per_unit
public static const define Str pascal
public static const define Str per_hour
public static const define Str per_minute
public static const define Str per_second
public static const define Str percent
public static const define Str percent_obscuration_per_foot
public static const define Str percent_obscuration_per_meter
public static const define Str percent_per_second
public static const define Str percent_relative_humidity
public static const define Str peseta
public static const define Str pint
public static const define Str pound
public static const define Str pound_force
public static const define Str pounds
public static const define Str pounds_per_hour
public static const define Str pounds_per_minute
public static const define Str pounds_per_second
public static const define Str pounds_per_square_inch
public static const define Str power_factor
public static const define Str psi_per_degree_fahrenheit
public static const define Str quart
public static const define Str radian
public static const define Str radians_per_second
public static const define Str radians_per_second_squared
public static const define Str revolutions_per_minute
public static const define Str rupee
public static const define Str second
public static const define Str short_ton
public static const define Str siemens
public static const define Str siemens_per_meter
public static const define Str square_centimeter
public static const define Str square_foot
public static const define Str square_inch
public static const define Str square_kilometer
public static const define Str square_meter
public static const define Str square_meters_per_newton
public static const define Str square_mile
public static const define Str square_millimeter
public static const define Str square_yard
public static const define Str steradian
public static const define Str tenths_second
public static const define Str tesla
public static const define Str therm
public static const define Str tons_refrigeration
public static const define Str tons_refrigeration_hour
public static const define Str torr
public static const define Str volt
public static const define Str volt_ampere
public static const define Str volt_ampere_hour
public static const define Str volt_ampere_reactive
public static const define Str volt_ampere_reactive_hour
public static const define Str volts_per_degree_kelvin
public static const define Str volts_per_meter
public static const define Str watt
public static const define Str watt_hour
public static const define Str watts_per_meter_degree_kelvin
public static const define Str watts_per_square_foot
public static const define Str watts_per_square_meter
public static const define Str watts_per_square_meter_degree_kelvin
public static const define Str weber
public static const define Str week
public static const define Str won
public static const define Str yard
public static const define Str year
public static const define Str yen