sys::Obj sys::Virtual sys::Component sys::User
public class User
User models a user account used for network authentication and authorization. Users are stored as children of the UserService. The user name is the component's name (limited to 7 chars).
public static const define int ai
public static const define int ar
public static const define int aw
public inline property Buf cred [config, max=20]
This is the credentials 160 bit SHA-1 digest of the UTF-8 string "username:password".
public static const define int oi
public static const define int or
public static const define int ow
public property int perm [config]
Permissions mask which grant this user specific permissions in the four security groups. Each byte in the permission mask is a bitmask of the 7 permissions for groups 0 to 3.
public property byte prov [config]
Permissions mask for provisioning.
public static const define int provApp
public static const define int provKits
public static const define int provSvm
public static const define int ua
public bool canProv(Str uri)
Can this user provisiong (read/write) the specified file.
public bool has(Component c, int hasPerm)
Return if this user has the specified permission on the given component.
public int permFor(Component c)
Return the permissions available .