
Platform Tutorial

A Sedona Framework platform is simply any device running an SVM. The platform is uniquely identified by the platformId property of the platform service running in the app on that device.

This section presents a high-level, step-by-step guide to creating a Sedona Framework platform for your own device. We will use the Win32 platform provided in the open source distribution as a case study in creating a new Sedona Framework platform.

  1. Step 1: Create a kit for your platform service
  2. Step 2: Implement PlatformService native methods
  3. Step 3: Create a platform definition file
  4. Step 4: Port the SVM
  5. Step 5: Build the SVM
  6. Step 6: Create a PAR file
  7. Step 7: SAX and Scode setup for your platform

Step 1: Create a kit for your platform service

Every app must have a sys::PlatformService component running in it. A platform service encapsulates the behavior of that specific OS/Hardware platform. The sys::PlatformService class itself is generic, so some key methods do nothing. To implement a real Sedona platform, it must be subclassed so that platform-specific behavior can be implemented.

The first step in porting Sedona to a new platform is the creation of a PlatformService subclass for the platform. As an example, the win32 platform service is defined in a kit called "platWin32" and the kit definition file is in sedona_home/platforms/src/generic/win32/kit.xml

Step 2: Implement PlatformService native methods

The base class sys::PlatformService defines three native methods that must be implemented for every platform. They are called by PlatformService as needed to populate the corresponding properties.

The open source includes win32 natives as an example, see sedona_home/src/sys/native/win32.

One of the most important properties on the platform service is the platformId property. This property uniquely identifies your platform, and maps to a platform manifest stored in the platform database. The native method doPlatformId() provides a means for Sedona to access this native property.

The native implementation of doPlatformId() for the win32 platform is

#include "sedona.h"
#include "sedonaPlatform.h"
#include <windows.h>

// Str PlatformService.doPlatformId()
Cell sys_PlatformService_doPlatformId(SedonaVM* vm, Cell* params)
  Cell result;
  result.aval = PLATFORM_ID;
  return result;

The value of PLATFORM_ID is defined in the header file sedonaPlatform.h, which is generated automatically from the platform definition XML file. So the next step is to create one.

Step 3: Create a platform definition XML file

Please refer to the section on platform definition for an in depth discussion of this file and all its sections and attributes.

The platform definition for the win32 platform is located in sedona_home/platforms/src/generic/win32/generic-win32.xml. (This file can be located anywhere, but the convention is to put it under sedona_home/platforms/src/.)

<sedonaPlatform vendor="Tridium" id="tridium-generic-win32-${sedona.env.version}" >

  <compile endian="little" blockSize="4" refSize="4" debug="true" test="true">

    <!-- Native Kits -->
    <nativeKit depend="sys 1.0" />
    <nativeKit depend="inet 1.0" />
    <nativeKit depend="datetimeStd 1.0" />
    <nativeKit depend="platWin32 1.0" />

    <!-- Native Sources -->
    <nativeSource path="/src/vm" />
    <nativeSource path="/src/sys/native" />
    <nativeSource path="/src/sys/native/std" />
    <nativeSource path="/src/sys/native/win32" />
    <nativeSource path="/src/inet/native" />
    <nativeSource path="/src/inet/native/std" />
    <nativeSource path="/src/inet/native/sha1" />
    <nativeSource path="/src/datetimeStd/native/std" />
    <nativeSource path="/platforms/src/generic/win32/native" />


There are a few things to note about this platform definition.

  1. It specifies the id attribute for the platform. Later, when we run sedonac on this file to stage the source, it will generate the header file sedonaPlatform.h based on this file. That header file will contain the PLATFORM_ID definition required by the doPlatformId() native code.
  2. The SVM created from this platform definition will only support the native methods from the sys, inet, datetimeStd, and platWin32 kits because those are the only kits included in <nativeKit> declarations. In order to support other kits with native methods, they will have to be added to the platform definition.

Step 4: Port the SVM

This process is already described in detail in the porting section. We specified in the platform definition file where all the native source code is located. If the native source file locations change at any time during the platform development process, the platform definition will need to be updated accordingly.

Refer to the win32 platform definition to see where all the native code for the win32 SVM resides.

Step 5: Build the SVM

Once the native source code is written and the platform definition file is correct, we are ready to build the SVM. As described in the staging section, we use sedonac to stage all native source files in one directory. Then we use the appropriate native tool-chain to actually build the SVM.

The open source distribution includes a script that will build the win32 platform SVM. It runs sedonac on the generic-win32.xml platform definition file to stage all the source code for the SVM, and then it compiles the source code into a binary. This is the same svm.exe that appears in the bin/ directory of the open source distribution. To run you must first have set up your environment for Windows 32-bit development.

You must provide your own native tool-chain to accomplish the same tasks for a different platform.

Step 6: Create a PAR file for your platform

Refer to the section on PAR files for a more in-depth discussion on PAR files.

When we staged the native source by running sedonac on the platform definition file, it also created a .par/ directory containing a valid platformManifest.xml file for the platform. Therefore, all we need to do is zip up the contents of that directory and use the script to install it in our platform database.

The script does the database installation step automatically for the open source win32 platform. If you issue the --list command you should see output similar to the following

sedona> --list

This output indicates that the we have successfully installed the win32 platform into the platform database. The toolchain steps you perform for another platform will need to do the same thing for that platform. You can use the platformdb -i <par file> command to install a PAR file into the platform database.

Note that the path within the platform database where the .par folder will be located must match the platform ID exactly. For example, note that the win32 platform definition file defines the platform ID as tridium-generic-win32-${sedona.env.version}. When we ran sedonac on the platform definition file it substituted an actual version number, so the resulting platform manifest file contains a specific definition, for example tridium-generic-win32-1.2.29. Sedona would then expect to find the manifest file for this platform in the platform database under sedona_home/platforms/db/tridium/generic/win32/1.2.29/.par/.

Step 7: SAX and Scode setup for your platform

To use your new platform service, you will need to create an application (SAX) that uses your platform service. There is an example SAX file that uses the Win32PlatformService at sedona_home/apps/platWin32.sax. You can use this file as a template and make the following modifications to use it for your platform:

  1. In the <schema> section, remove the platWin32 kit and add the kit for your platform service.
  2. In the <app> section there is a component called "plat". Change the type of that component from "platWin32::Win32PlatformService" to the type of your platform service.

After you have made these changes you can run sedonac on your new SAX file to create an binary application (SAB) that your SVM can run.

Finally, you will need to create a scode image corresponding to the kits in your SAX. There is an example scode configuration file in sedona_home/scode/platWin32.xml. You can use this file as a template and make the following modifications for your platform:

  1. Modify the <sedonaCode> elements to match the settings for your device. For example, make sure the blockSize, refSize, endian, etc. are correct.
  2. Remove the dependency on "platWin32 1.0" and add a dependency for the kit containing your platform service.

After you have made these changes you an run sedonac on your new scode XML file to produce an scode image that your SVM can run.