


This tutorial takes you through the various development steps involved in building Sedona Framework applications:

  1. Build a new kit and component
  2. Build a new scode image
  3. Build an application
  4. Run the application

It is recommended that you read the Architecture chapter before exploring this tutorial. Refer to the diagram, which illustrates the work flow this tutorial will take. Also make sure you have your Sedona Framework environment setup correctly before.

Build New Kit

Kits are modules used to organize Sedona code. For this example we will create a new kit called tutorial. In our kit we will create a component called Add, which adds two inputs together.

First let's create a directory under src called "tutorial", with two text files:

    +- kit.xml
    +- Add.sedona

For more information see Structure to see how kits are organized.

The "kit.xml" file is used to define the kit's meta-data for the compiler:

<sedonaKit name="tutorial" vendor="Tridium" description="blah">
  <depend on="sys 1.2+" />
  <source dir="." />

The "kit.xml" file specifies the name of our kit, a short description, dependencies, and the directories of source code. (The vendor attribute specifies the company that developed the kit - for the purposes of the tutorial leave this as "Tridium" because otherwise the kit name must be prefixed with the vendor name.) For more information see Kits and Compile Kit.

The "Add.sedona" file defines the source code for our new component:

public class Add extends Component
  property float out
  property float in1
  property float in2

  override void execute() { out := in1 + in2 }

The Add component is pretty simple - it declares two inputs and an output. When the component is "executed" we add the two inputs and update the output. For more information see Components.

To compile our new kit we just need to run sedonac against our directory or the "kit.xml" file:

 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 50BC-4286

 Directory of C:\Sedona\Sedona-1.2.27\src\tutorial

02/25/2013  09:57 AM    <DIR>          .
02/25/2013  09:57 AM    <DIR>          ..
02/25/2013  09:52 AM               160 Add.sedona
02/25/2013  09:55 AM               131 kit.xml
               2 File(s)            291 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  170,500,431,872 bytes free

C:\Sedona\Sedona-1.2.27\src\tutorial>sedonac kit.xml
  Parse [1 files]
  WriteKit [C:\Sedona\Sedona-1.2.27\kits\tutorial\tutorial-89858e3e-1.2.27.kit]
  WriteManifest [C:\Sedona\Sedona-1.2.27\manifests\tutorial\tutorial-89858e3e.xml]
*** Success! ***

If successful, you should have a new kit file in your "kits/tutorial" directory. You can open this file in a tool like WinZip to explore the compiler's output. For more information see Sedonac. If you have trouble running sedonac, then see Setup.

Build New Scode Image

Kits are units of deployment, but are not run directly by the SVM. First we have to compile a set of kits into an scode image that can be run directly by the SVM. Create a new directory called "tutorialApp" with one file:

  +- kits.xml

The "kits.xml" file specifies the kits we wist to compile into an image:

  endian="little" blockSize="4"
  refSize="4" main="sys::Sys.main" debug="true" test="true"
  <depend on="sys 1.2+" />
  <depend on="sox 1.2+" />
  <depend on="inet 1.2+" />
  <depend on="web 1.2+" />
  <depend on="func 1.2+" />
  <depend on="platWin32 1.2+" />
  <depend on="tutorial 1.2+" />

See Sedonac for more information on these settings.

Run sedonac on this file to produce an scode image:

C:\Sedona\Sedona-1.2.27\tutorialApp>sedonac kits.xml
  ReadKits [7 kits]
  WriteImage [C:\Sedona\Sedona-1.2.27\tutorialApp\kits.scode] (89088 bytes)
  |  Data:      7.8kb (8020 bytes)
  |  Code:       87kb (89088 bytes)
  |  Total:    94.8kb (97108 bytes)
*** Success! ***

 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 50BC-4286

 Directory of C:\Sedona\Sedona-1.2.27\tutorialApp

02/25/2013  10:30 AM    <DIR>          .
02/25/2013  10:30 AM    <DIR>          ..
02/25/2013  10:30 AM            89,088 kits.scode
02/25/2013  09:57 AM               336 kits.xml
               2 File(s)         89,424 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  170,506,817,536 bytes free

If successful, then you should have now have a "kits.scode" file.

Build New App

Sedona is a component oriented language that enables you to build new applications by assembling components. The application file stores a tree of components, their configuration properties, and how they are linked together. Typically applications are built with graphical tools. For this tutorial we will hand code an application file using XML. In the "tutorialApp" directory let's create a new "app.sax" file:

  <kit name='sys'/>
  <kit name='sox'/>
  <kit name='inet'/>
  <kit name='web'/>
  <kit name='func'/>
  <kit name='platWin32'/>
  <kit name='tutorial'/>
  <comp name="plat" type="platWin32::Win32PlatformService"/>
  <comp name="users" type="sys::UserService">
    <comp name="admin" type="sys::User">
      <prop name="cred" val="hE49ksThgAeLkWB3NUU1NWeDO54="/>
      <prop name="perm" val="2147483647"/>
      <prop name="prov" val="255"/>
  <comp name="sox" type="sox::SoxService"/>
  <comp name="web" type="web::WebService">
    <prop name="port" val="8080"/>
  <comp name="rampA" type="func::Ramp"/>
  <comp name="rampB" type="func::Ramp"/>
  <comp name="add"   type="tutorial::Add" id="12"/>
  <link from="/rampA.out" to="/add.in1"/>
  <link from="/rampB.out" to="/add.in2"/>

The file above declares four Service components.

We then declare two func::Ramp components, which are used to generate dummy data. Finally we declare a tutorial::Add component, which is the component we built ourselves in the step above.

In the links section we create links between the Ramp component outputs and the inputs to our Add block to create control flow.

Sedona Framework-enabled devices don't run the XML file directly, so now we need to compile the XML into a binary format that the SVM can use directly. Do this by running sedonac on "app.sax":

C:\Sedona\Sedona-1.2.27\tutorialApp>sedonac app.sax
  ConvertAppFile [C:\Sedona\Sedona-1.2.27\tutorialApp\app.sax -> C:\Sedona\Sedona-1.2.27\tutorialApp
  |  RAM:     14.5kb (14848 bytes)
  |  FLASH:    0.3kb (356 bytes)
*** Success! ***

Now we should have a file called "app.sab". See Apps for more information.

Run App

If you have followed the steps above, we have:

At this point we can run our application using the SVM. Assuming we are running on Windows we can run our application as follows:

C:\Sedona\Sedona-1.2.27\tutorialApp>svm kits.scode app.sab

Sedona VM 1.2.27
buildDate: Oct 17 2012 08:40:10
endian:    little
blockSize: 4
refSize:   4

-- MESSAGE [sys::App] starting
-- MESSAGE [sox::SoxService] started port=1876
-- MESSAGE [sox::SoxService] DASP Discovery enabled
-- MESSAGE [web::WebService] started port=8080
-- MESSAGE [sys::App] running

Here we just pass our code and application filenames to the prebuilt Win32 "svm.exe" executable included with the Sedona open source. If you are running on a different platform you will need an SVM executable designed for that platform - see Porting.

Note that if you plan to restart or reboot the Sedona VM remotely, you should start the Sedona VM with the --plat option to run it in "platform mode". (See Common Commands for more details.)

Now that the SVM is running the application, you should be able to access it with your browser at http://localhost:8080/. You can use the "spy" URL http://localhost:8080/spy/app/12 to view the current values of your tutorial::Add component. Hit refresh a couple times to see how the inputs and output change in real-time.

If you have a remote administration tool such as the Sedona Framework Workbench, you should now be able to connect to Sox port 1876 with the username "admin" and empty password. Refer to your Sedona Framework tool documentation for more information.


Congratulations, you've just built and deployed your first Sedona Framework application! This tutorial illustrates just the very basics of Sedona, using only the command line tools. Continue to explore to learn more about Sedona and the tools available for managing Sedona devices.