Sedona Resources
The Sedona Alliance Resources section is intended for members to submit learning materials. If you have material you would like to share, please contact us at sedona@sedona-alliance.org.
Archive of SedonaDev.org
The original SedonaDev.org site is no longer available, but Sedona Alliance provides a copy of the documentation and the Sedona development files. The material is not maintained or updated by Sedona Alliance.
View the SedonaDev.org documentation.
Download Sedona Development Files: Sedona-1.2.28.zip.
Sedona Application Editor (SAE)
Getting Started with the Sedona Application Editor
Contemporary Controls, a Sedona Alliance member, has developed the Sedona Application Editor (SAE) that allows system integrators the ability to develop control applications for Sedona devices. For independent system integrators without access to Niagara Workbench, SAE provides the same functionality in a more simplified manner.
To learn more and download SAE, visit Sedona Alliance member Contemporary Controls at www.ccontrols.com/sae.
Education Materials
Using Workbench as a Sedona Tool
For those who have access to Niagara Workbench, this programming tool for Niagara Framework works well as a Sedona Tool when programming Sedona devices. Niagara Workbench is available from Tridium or from a Tridium OEM. It can be called by several different names such as Workplace or ProBuilder but we will use the generic term Workbench to mean Niagara Workbench with Sedona installed. Workbench does not come from the factory with Sedona installed but it can be easily updated for Sedona on Workbench versions 3.7.x or 3.8.x.
Understanding Sedona Kits and Kits Manifests
A Sedona kit is the basic unit of modularity in Sedona. Kits contain one or more components and it is the components that are assembled onto a wire sheet and linked together to form applications. If a system integrator wants to use a particular component in an application, that component must be part of a kit installed on the target Sedona device. If the kit is missing, in most instances it is possible to load that kit into the Sedona device using the Kit Manager found in a Sedona tool such as Niagara Workbench or Sedona Application Editor (SAE).
Using Niagara Workbench as a Sedona Tool
To use Niagara Workbench as a Sedona Tool your computer must have a copy of either Workbench 3.7 or 3.8 and must also have a proper installation of Sedona and a Component Bundle-both available via the links below.
- Adding Sedona to the Workbench Tool
The Niagara Workbench tool can be used to create wire sheets on a Sedona compliant controller such as the BASremote or the BAScontrol series assuming Sedona is installed in the tool. If in Workbench you can do a File > Open > Open Device operation then Sedona is installed. If not, you can install Sedona into Workbench by following the instructions in the video entitled Installing Sedona and Kits.
The Niagara Workbench tool may come with different names depending upon where the product was obtained. Sedona is provided on one zip file and can be loaded into Workbench versions 3.8 or 3.7. There are different installs for each version so make sure you download the proper version for your tool. Watch the video and follow the instructions. Once Sedona is installed go to the second step in the process entitled Adding Component Bundles to the Workbench Tool below.
Free Download: Sedona TXS bundle for Workbench 3.7.*
Free Download: Sedona TXS bundle for Workbench 3.8.**Note: Do not unzip file. File must remain zipped to function.
- Adding Component Bundles to the Workbench Tool
A Sedona controller has a particular personality that describes its features and capabilities. In Sedona jargon, a controller is described by its Platform, Kits and Manifests. We simply use the term Kits to describe this personality and the term Component Bundle to indicate what actually must be loaded into the Workbench tool so that the tool understands the personality of the Sedona controller to which it is connected. The Component Bundle contains components for all Contemporary Controls' Sedona controllers and comes as a zip file referenced by a version number. As more capabilities are added to Sedona controllers in the form of additional kits or revised kits, a new Component Bundle is created that reflects the capabilities of current and former versions of Sedona controllers. The component bundle version number is then incremented. To install a component bundle into the Workbench tool follow the instructions in the video entitled Installing Sedona and Kits.
Free Download: Component Bundle 1.0.20 for BAScontrol20 versions 3.0.25 or greater and BASremote versions 3.4.8 or greater.*
*Note: Do not unzip file. File must remain zipped to function.
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