Sedona Technology
If you are a developer, the documentation and the Sedona development files on the Sedona Alliance Resources page will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the technology, access to the complier, and the last Sedona build 1.2.28. It was never the intent of the original developers that all components would be provided from a single source. The community was to contribute to what is called custom hardware-independent kits and custom hardware-dependent kits. Under this tab we will only discuss the original Sedona 1.2 components because they form the basic building blocks of Sedona. For information on Sedona community contributions, refer to the resources page.
If you are a system integrator or just want a casual understanding on how applications are created with Sedona, you can read further under this tab. There are descriptions on the original Sedona 1.2 components and a tutorial on how they are used. However, the best way to learn about Sedona is to test drive it. Contemporary Controls offers a free Sedona Application Editor and a Sedona Virtual Machine that will run on a PC. You can create the same examples used in the tutorial on your PC to increase your familiarity with Sedona. You can find the download instructions under the Resources tab.
Sedona 1.2 Component Descriptions
Components are deployed in kits which are available from Contemporary Controls and other members of the Sedona community. Kits without a company name are original Sedona 1.2 components. Kits with a company name and no product name are from a Sedona community member and these components can be used with other Sedona devices. Kits with both a company name and product name are hardware dependent thereby limiting portability.
Tutorial: Using Sedona 1.2 Components with Workbench
This tutorial assists in the understanding of the Sedona components provided in the Sedona-1.2.28 release. New with the 1.2 release is that the Sedona components, previously concentrated in one Control kit, are now organized in smaller kits under a functional name. Components discussed in this document can be found in the following kits: basicSchedule, datetimeSTD, func, hvac, logic, math, pricomp, timing and types.
Test Driving Sedona
There are several ways in which to test drive Sedona as shown below.
- Sedona Emulation on a PC. As mentioned above, the quickest and least expensive way to experience Sedona is to try it out on a Windows PC using Contemporary Controls' Sedona Application Editor (SAE) and the Sedona Virtual Machine for a Windows PC (SVM-PC). Both are available for download under the Resources tab. Installation is simple thereby allowing you to create the logic shown in the above tutorial and observe the execution. You can also create your own Sedona application, execute it, and save it to your PC. No physical input/output devices are supported with the SVM-PC.
- Embedded Sedona on a Raspberry Pi. Tridium provided a Sedona Virtual Machine for the Raspberry Pi2 and Contemporary Controls recompiled this code for the Raspberry Pi3 which is available for download under the Resources tab. The SVM-RP3 can drive general purpose input/output signals (GPIO) from the Raspberry Pi so with external binary devices (switches and lights), an application program written with the aid of the Sedona Application Editor can read and command binary points and function as an embedded Sedona controller. Instructions on connecting to physical I/O are provided.
- Commerical Sedona Products. The final option is to seek commercial Sedona suppliers like Contemporary Controls for other resources that address training, development or equipment purchases. Detailed information on commercial products cannot be found on the Sedona Alliance site.
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